One thing that I love about Currituck and Columbus county is how rural the place is. Even though you have to drive to get to everything, its nice. I guess having to do that all the time teaches you to have patience. Lots of patience. And I was raised in Florida, so I am kind of used to all of this empty space, seeing nothing but green. I don’t know how to explain it, but there is something very serene about those counties, I’m not talking about the landscape or the antique buildings. There is something about community, how people kinda just take it easy around here. I am a very busy person, always doing something if I’m not doing something else. I miss having to just get up, go to school, talk to friends, badmouth about the classes and the work, do my homework, and then get out and hang out with friends. Now, I just do all sorts of stuff, and I don’t even bother to appreciate my surroundings.
Of course, the reason why I am traveling to these places is because of Vanishing Point. Vanishing Point is a project that was set by The Light Factory, a museum of photography in Charlotte. In this project, we are to take pictures and write about certain themes and basically learn about photography. And what I loved about this project is that it allowed to express in a certain way that made me really comfortable: photography. In photography, you don’t have to use words. You don’t have to worry about using the right punctuation, or having to use the right words to express what you are feeling because you know, there are just some things words cannot describe well enough. Like I can’t describe very well how going to these counties and these lakes and the beaches make me feel, but in the picture, you can see it. You can feel yourself also. I am not a shy person, but I don’t always say the smartest things. I don’t really know how to express my feelings through words, but now I believe that I found a new outlet, One example I have is when I went to the schools in Whiteville and Elizabeth City. In Whiteville and Elizabeth City, everything was very rural, very small, and very far apart. But the difference was that Whiteville was very old, very traditional. In Elizabeth City, everything was very new, and big and spacious. But I think that I could relate to Elizabeth City more because it reminds me a lot like where I was raised in Florida, a city called Plantation. The schools are similar, and so is the town. I took a lot of pictures relating to these similarities not because they look good, but because they remind me of something.
I took some pictures of the little things in the lake and the beaches. Like the seagulls that flew over the beach, or the vegetation that grew in the marshes. I also took pictures of my classmates with the scenery. I also took pictures of the schools and the interesting things about them.
But I didn’t only take pictures and talk to people about the counties. We also did a lot of fun things in this trip that I haven’t done in a while or at all. We went to the skating rink in Elizabeth City and I had a great time trying not to fall on my butt and I had a great time on the lake with the kids From Whiteville. We got to see the light house and the wildlife center near the light house. I had a lot of fun and I also got to remember again simple life can be. But personally, I can’t wait to get to charlotte and see all my friends again.
Susanny Acosta