Saturday, November 7, 2009

Currituck County

We made it to Currituck!! Currituck County High School is about 1200 students versus Columbus County High Schools 600. Last night we experienced the local skating rink and skate park and visited the old courthouse. Today we are visiting a Light House and spending the day creating art.


  1. Mr. Vitale here... (one of the teachers from Charlotte). It's funny how such a small distance in miles translates into a world of difference. Yesterday we visited the Currituk County High School and saw where the students of coastal North Carolina met. (I say met as there is but a single high school for the entire county and students have to travel as far as an hour in different directions to attend, some by water, some by land.- Paul Revere would have been overwhelmed) The band was impressive and very friendly, allowing us to move about photograhping them as they practiced. Based on student comments, I fear the band's efforts were more successful than the football team's, but win-loss records tend to run in cycles anyway. They'll be back. The school was beautiful and the local teachers made us feel quite welcome in a way the graveyard in the front of the building did not.
    Fortunately, we had an opportunity to share our photographic compositions and our students were intruiged by the photos of local students. Charlotte is an inland city so the beach and water themes caught their attention. Today, we are hoping to visit a historic lighthouse and my sincere hope is that nobody drowns getting the "perfect" picture. Thanks to all those who made the trip possible.

  2. Hey guys,
    This is Natalia from Renaissance at Olympic Community of Schools. I am very thankful to everyone who made this trip possible. It has been a very eye opening experience, we have been able to see clear differences in our cities/towns and for me personally I have realized that I ,do indeed, love charlotte and should appreciate everything it has to offer, even though we don't have the beautiful Lake Waccamau, or live in the city where the famous grave digger is. It has been a great, once in a lifetime, experience and I am so glad I came and so glad WE were the schools chosen to participate in this trip. Today we have one more exciting day, can't wait to see what's in store!!

  3. Susanny Acosta, also from Olympic community of schools. I believe that the towns were beautiful and very serene. The people are very welcoming and have a good sense of humor. The skating rink was fun and I had a great time trying not to fall on my butt when I tried when I tried to skate. I also had a great time in the end of the day when we all danced in the middle of the rink. I am very grateful that I was able to experience this. thank you.
